Decoding M-Pesa HashNumbers, Empowering Transactions Clarity.

Transforming M-Pesa MSISDN hashes into clear numbers, Empowering Businesses with transparent payment records.

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About HashBack

HashBack is dedicated to simplifying the intricacies introduced by Safaricom PLC's decision to hash MSISDN/phone numbers. We understand the challenges faced by businesses, including mandatory customer phone registrations and additional UI steps, which complicate the payment process.

At HashBack, we envision a future where businesses can seamlessly decode hashed MSISDNs, simplifying the payment process and ensuring transparent records.

Our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge solutions, offering efficient hashback decoding and a streamlined approach to matching payments on callbacks.

HashBack provides a comprehensive platform to effortlessly convert hashed MSISDNs to real numbers, simplifying payment processes for businesses.

Our core offerings include:

Efficient Hashback Decoding

Our cutting-edge software allows businesses to seamlessly convert hashbacks, eliminating the need for mandatory customer phone registrations.

about us

How It Works

Understanding the process of HashBack is key to unlocking its potential for your business. Here's a step-by-step guide on how we decode M-Pesa HashNumbers:

  1. Receive Callback Response: When a transaction occurs, Safaricom sends a callback response with hashed MSISDN through the M-Pesa C2B APIs V2.
  2. Integrate HashBack API: Seamlessly integrate our HashBack API into your callback script to decode the hashed MSISDN received from Safaricom's M-Pesa C2B APIs V2.
  3. Get Decoded Number: Utilize our cutting-edge software to efficiently decode the hashed MSISDN, eliminating the need for mandatory customer phone registrations.
  4. Perform Your Business: Empower your business with clear and transparent payment records, simplifying reconciliation processes. Use the decoded numbers to perform actions such as sending notifications of payments and more.
How It Works


Check our Pricing

Regular Plan

  • Minimum Top Up: KES 50
  • Rate per Request:KES 0.8 KES
  • Effective Rate:KES 50 top-up provides 62 requests

Silver Plan

  • Minimum Top-Up: KES500
  • Rate per Request: KES 0.5
  • Effective Rate:KES 500 top-up provides 1000 requests

Premium Plan

  • Minimum Top-Up:KES 1000
  • Rate per Request:KES 0.35
  • Effective Rate: KES 1000 top-up provides 2857 requests


Frequently Asked Questions

Hashback is an API designed to decode hashed numbers that are part of the Safaricom callback response. It is particularly useful when processing payments made to a till or PayBill number.

When a user makes a payment, Safaricom sends a callback response with hashed Mobile number. Hashback decodes this string, providing clear mobile number from the customer.

Hashback streamlines the management of payment callbacks from Safaricom, aiding businesses in promptly identifying the client associated with a payment. This functionality minimizes reconciliation time by enabling quick extraction and understanding of essential transaction details, fostering efficient integration and record-keeping processes

To purchase credits, you can initiate a mpesa Stk Push by clicking the top button on the navigation menu or at the dashboard.

Hashback credits are typically non-refundable once purchased and they do not expire.

Yes, there is a rate limit in place to ensure fair usage. The current limit is set at 10 requests per 5 seconds. This restriction is in place to maintain optimal performance and fair access to the service.

No, Hashback is specifically designed to support the decoding of Kenyan mobile numbers only(Safaricom&Airtel). Our service is tailored to provide accurate results for users within the Kenyan mobile network.

Hashback operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where users are billed based on their usage. This means you only pay for the specific API requests(successful) you make, allowing for flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Detailed information about pricing and usage metrics can be found in the Pricing Section.

No, HashBack is designed to decode hashed Kenyan mobile numbers only. It does not provide information about the owner of a mobile number.

If your credit balance is insufficient during an API request, the transaction may not be successful. To avoid any disruptions in service, it's advisable to monitor your credit balance regularly and top up as needed to ensure a seamless experience with Hashback.